Valerie Bundy has been an actor for over 25 years. Her feature film credits include A Little In Tents and The Most Unromantic Man in The World which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival and was shown on Channel 4. Commercials include Fruittella and Matalan/Sky Cinema. Theatre credits include Lady Macbeth, and Claire in Eating Out which was nominated for an MEN Theatre Award.

Manchester Youth Theatre

Seeds of Doubt

Eating Out

Treasure Island
What Would Julie Do?

Fruittella Commercial

MEN Theatre Awards

A Little In Tents

Love Is...

Fully House Trained
EATING OUT Bolton Octagon Studio
"Particular kudos must go to Valerie Bundy, whose Claire is an absolute joy and an audience favourite" - Views, Reviews and News
"This woman is made for comedy!" - UK Theatre Network
"Valerie Bundy shows good comic delivery whilst remaining credible as a woman whose life is falling apart, a tough balance to create" - Salford Online
FULLY HOUSE TRAINED 24:7 Theatre Festival
"Director Aiobheann Kelly has recruited a host of experienced actors including that peerless comedienne and mistress of deadpan Valerie Bundy" - UK Theatre Network
TREASURE ISLAND Marina Theatre & Tour
"Valerie Bundy is excellent as Jim Hawkins conveying a wide-eyed childish awe which was a clear hit" - The Stage
Photographs by Gilly Read, Chad Hind, Paula McNamara, Black Cat Theatre Company, Jeff Ma, Lysander Yuen, Lewis Coates, Daniel Ollerhead. Special thanks to Michael Pollard and Rebecca Stephenson.